8.11.14 – oligopoly (comcast sucks)

There’s no intro to this one because the following videos will explain, better than I can, how terrible cable companies are. Here are 5 YouTube videos that will show you just how much Comcast sucks. The first honest cable company A parody but you question if it’s really a parody because everything they’re saying is true […]

8.7.14 – how to become a runner

I am not very good at running, but last year my boss somehow convinced me and my coworkers to do the Tough Mudder with him. We trained from June to September, and I was able to get up off the couch and do 11 miles of running, jumping, swimming, climbing, and everything else you could […]

8.6.14 – celebrities i don’t like

Well I tweeted about Melissa McCarthy earlier then immediately deleted it because it was kind of mean. But I still kind of wanted to say it so here’s a blogpost! Here are five celebrities I don’t like. Melissa McCarthy – Whatever happened to Sookie? She was a great chef, bubbly, funny, and just a really […]